Defeating ISIS: The missing psychological warfare dimension

The Westminster Institute hosted Dr. Waller to give a presentation on how to use psychological warfare to defeat ISIS/Daesh and other jihadist movements. The October 21, 2015 presentation, titled “Defeating ISIS: The Missing Psychological Warfare Dimension,” demonstrated the low-cost, high-impact opportunities at hand to wipe out Daesh. Dr. Waller’s presentation also discussed how to retaliate … Read more

Plan for victory over the global jihad movement

Secure Freedom Strategy

A team of veteran national security practitioners and scholars authored a Plan for Victory Over the Global Jihad Movement. The authors modeled the plan after President Ronald Reagan’s historic National Security Decision Directive 75, which laid out a strategy to defeat the Soviet Union without going to war. Published under the auspices of the Center … Read more

For US Army Special Ops Command: Designing an information warfare campaign against the global jihadi movement

Dr. Waller’s paper, “Designing an Information Warfare Campaign Against the Global Jihadi Movement,” was published as part of a report for the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, US Army Special Operations Command. The 2014 report was commissioned by the Threat Knowledge Group’s and published in 2015 as a chapter of The Islamic … Read more

On CNN discussing US counter-ISIS propaganda

Ashleigh Banfield of CNN invited Dr Waller to appear on her show to discuss a segment on US propaganda efforts against the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists. The US State Department seems very proud of its “Just Say No”-style videos designed to persuade prospective ISIS recruits from joining the cause. [September 5, 2014] Ashleigh seemed very skeptical – … Read more

America’s ‘provocative weakness’

by J Michael Waller / inFOCUS / Winter 2014 As it continues its spiraling, across-the-board decline, the Russian Federation is becoming more relevant as a world power. This development became most visible when President Barack Obama effectively placed Vladimir Putin in the driver’s seat to resolve the crisis in Syria. The Russian strongman quickly used … Read more

At US Capitol panel on Muslim Brotherhood

The US Capitol building was the venue for Dr. Waller to speak on the Muslim Brotherhood and the power of ideology as part of a Westminster Institute program. The September 6, 2013 event brought together a panel of distinguished speakers on a range of topics to battle Islamist aggression: Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo, The Role of Religion in the … Read more

Psychological strategy presentation at Westminster Institute

After a decade of war, with many military victories to its credit, the United States continues to struggle with defining and combating ideological adversaries. It has been unable to dominate the psychological battlespace in which America’s enemies – both those practicing violence and those not presently violent – flourish. Dr. Waller outlines a strategic solution … Read more

Waller is part of Team B report on enemy threat doctrine

[IWP news release] An IWP professor is part of the now-famous ‘Team B’ report on enemy threat doctrine and operations, including the Muslim Brotherhood penetration of the United States. Annenberg Professor of International Communication J. Michael Waller joins a range of noted defense, intelligence and security experts as a contributor to Shariah: The Threat to America, a new … Read more

Addressing NATO officers on creative PSYOP

TAMPA – As the wrapup speaker at the 22ndannual NATO Joint Senior Psychological Operations Conference, IWP Professor J Michael Waller outlined a range of new opportunities for the military and intelligence communities in the area of psychological warfare. The conference topic was “Psychological Operations Support to Counterinsurgency.” Waller proposed reviving an alliance-wide psychological strategy worldview and doctrine. The US … Read more

Partnership against heroin: Contractors help US combat narcotraffickers in Afghanistan

by J Michael Waller / Serviam / March 1, 2008. Download PDF: Contractors_Afgh_Serviam Kabul, Afghanistan—“I used to wear a burqa. I will never wear one again. Except to fight drug traffickers.” That’s what a female police officer of Afghanistan’s Narcotics Interdiction Unit (NIU) says with a shy smile. The bad guys can’t recognize a heavily armed cop under … Read more