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Books and monographs
Scholarly articles and book chapters
“Weaponizing Ridicule , ” Military Review (US Army Combined Arms Center, Fort Leavenworth), September-October 2017.
“Russia’s New Information War: What It’s Like and What to Do About It ,” in Fred Fleitz, ed., Putin’s Reset: The Bear Is Back and How America Must Respond (Washington: Center for Security Policy, 2016).
“Understanding Subversion: Non-Violent Warfare in an Age of Countering Violent Extremism ,” paper delivered at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center, Fort Bragg, NC, September 12, 2016.
“The Muslim Brotherhood: Doctrine, Strategy, Operations & Vulnerabilities ,” in Anna Bekele and Patrick Sookhdeo, eds., Meeting the Ideological Challenge of Islamism: How to Combat Modern Radical Islam (Westminster Institute/Isaac Publishing, 2015).
“Getting Serious About Strategic Influence: How to Move Beyond the State Department’s Legacy of Failure ,” Journal of International Security Affairs , December 2009.
“The American Way of Propaganda: Lessons from the Founding Fathers ,” Institute of World Politics occasional paper, 2006.
“Making Jihad Work for America,” Journal of International Security Affairs , March 2006.
“Prisons as Terrorist Breeding Grounds ,” in James Forest, ed., The Making of a Terrorist , Vol. 1 of 3 (Praeger, 2005). Project of the Combating Terrorism Center, US Military Academy at West Point.
“DGI and KGB Political Operations in the United States ,” in Brian Crozier, The KGB Lawsuits (London: Claridge Press, 1995).
“America needs an in-kind deterrent to Russia’s political warfare ,” Center for Security Policy Decision Brief 2018.002 July 23, 2018.
“Designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization ,” Center for Security Policy Decision Brief 2018.001, June 28, 2018.
“Trump must up ante on Russian subversion in America ,” Forbes , January 4, 2017.
“WikiLeaks game can turn Kremlin fortress into glass house ,” Forbes , August 16, 2016.
“Secret emails reveal Ecuador’s high-level campaign to win US hearts and minds ,” AMI Newswire, February 24, 2016.
“Putin propagandists pick up ex-Pentagon PSYOPers ,” AMI Newswire, February 11, 2016.
“How a hostile foreign regime waged propaganda against Chevron ,” El Tiempo Latino (Washington Post), December 11, 2015.
“Ukraine’s secret weapon ,” Kyiv Post (Ukraine), April 7, 2015.
“Hillary Clinton’s email server a foreign spy magnet ,” Investor’s Business Daily , April 7, 2015.
“Die-hard KGB men still plant forged documents to pollute our thinking ,” Forbes , September 3, 2014.
“Time to prosecute left-wing dictators for genocide? ” New York Times , May 19, 2013.
“Spy hunter says WikiLeaks should be treated as espionage case ,” BigPeace , July 29, 2010.
“Cultural battlespace: Muslim rockers resist extremism ,” Serviam , January-February 2008.
“Larry, Curly and Osama ” (Killing the enemy with ridicule) , Los Angeles Times , May 21, 2006.
“Information a vital weapon ,” USA Today , December 7, 2005.
“Terrorists cheer Kerry’s rhetoric ,” Insight , May 11-24, 2004. Download PDF: im-terrorists-cheer-rhetoric-may2004
“Soros resolves to bring Bush down,” Insight , December 3, 2003. Download PDF: im-soros-dec2003
“Wahhabi lobby spreads its wealth,” Insight , November 5- December 8, 2003. Download PDF: im-wahhabi-lobby-nov-2003
“Alamoudi and those bags of Libyan cash ,” Insight , October 28-November 10, 2003. Download PDF: im-alamoudi-oct2003
“FBI polarized by ‘Wahhabi lobby,’” Insight , July 22-August 4, 2003. Download PDF: im-fbi-wahhabi-jul2003
“China waging political warfare against its neighbors ,” Insight , May 26, 2003.
“US Message is not getting out,” Insight , April 1-14, 2003. Download PDF: im-message-apr2003
“Undermining the war on terror: Top American Muslim groups courted by the Bush administration have used their political cover to launch influence operations and extend support to terrorists ,” Insight , March 18-31, 2003. Download PDF: im-underming-gwot-mar2003
“Marching for Saddam,” Insight , March 4-17, 2003. Download PDF: im-marching-for-saddam-mar2003
“How terrorists use ‘civil liberties’ arguments to undermine war effort ,” Insight , March 4, 2003.
“Wahhabi lobby takes the offensive ,” Insight , August 5, 2002. Download PDF: IM Wahhabi Lobby 2002.08.05
“US-out-of-Vieques movement shows Cuban sponsorship ,” Insight , July 23, 2001.
“No nukes pointed this way? Think again, ” Washington Times , July 6, 1998.
“Ignoring the danger in Eastern Europe ,” Washington Times , October 22, 1996.
“The missiles pointed at America,” Washington Times , September 24, 1996.
“The Russian nuclear threat is not gone,” Wall Street Journal Europe , July 16, 1996. Download PDF: WSJ Russian nuke threat 1996.07.16
“Congress’s red army,” with Joseph Sobran, National Review , July 31, 1987. Download PDF: Congress-Red-Army-NR-1987