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“Strategic Default: How to roll back China’s weapon of capital investment ,” Washington Examiner , December 17, 2018.
“Hillary Clinton’s Russian Ghost Stories ,” Daily Caller , October 20, 2017.
“Foreign service undermines business while Tillerson promotes prosperity ,” Daily Caller , September 12, 2017.
“The forest guardians who beat back Mexico’s cartels ,” The Daily Beast , September 24, 2016.
“Green police 2: Tribesmen defend selves against gangsters and government ,” Lubbock (Texas) Avalanche-Journal , March 7, 2016.
“Green police: Mexican tribesmen take up arms to protect their forests from crooked officials and cartels ,” Lubbock (Texas) Avalanche-Journal , February 25, 2016.
“Secret emails reveal Ecuador’s high-level campaign to win US hearts and minds ,” AMI Newswire , February 24, 2016.
“How a hostile foreign regime waged propaganda against Chevron ,” El Tiempo Latino (Washington Post), December 11, 2015.
“Hillary Clinton’s email server a foreign spy magnet ,” Investor’s Business Daily , April 7, 2015.
“Die-hard KGB men still plant forged documents to pollute our thinking ,” Forbes , September 3, 2014.
“Celebrating 96 years of gangster government in Russia ,” Investor’s Business Daily , December 21-23, 2013.
“Time to prosecute left-wing dictators for genocide? ” New York Times , May 19, 2013.
“Alamoudi and those bags of Libyan cash ,” Insight , October 28-November 10, 2003. Download PDF: im-alamoudi-oct2003
“Mexican candidate hires Clinton team,” Insight , July 3-10, 2000.
“Mounties: Clinton donor a gangster,” Insight , April 17, 2000.
“The narcostate next door ,” Insight , December 27, 1999.
“Red-handed lies: From the beginning, the Clinton administration was well aware of the Russian government’s with organized crime but punished those who dared point it out,” Insight , November 8, 1999.
“Shot by a laser,” Reader’s Digest , October 1999. Download PDF: RD Shot by Laser 1999.10
“Gore’s embrace,” Insight , September 27, 1999. Download PDF: Gore Yeltsin 1999.09.27
“Yeltsin keeps it all in the family ” (on the rise of Putin), Insight , September 6, 1999. Download PDF: IM Rise of Putin 1999.09.06
“These spies steal American jobs,” Reader’s Digest , February 1996.
“Russia’s biggest ‘mafia’ is the KGB,” Wall Street Journal Europe , June 22, 1994. Download PDF: WSJ Russia Mafia KGB 1994.06.22
“Russia’s Great Criminal Revolution: The Role of the Security Services ,” with Victor Yasmann, Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice (University of California at Long Beach), December 1995.
“Organized Crime and the Russian State: Challenges to US-Russian Cooperation ,” Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization , Vol. 2, No. 3, Summer 1994.
“The high-stakes push to control Mexico,” Indianapolis Star , April 11, 1994. Download PDF: IS Control Mexico 1994.04.11