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- “Why we have troops in Niger,” Daily Caller, October 27, 2017.
- “The forest guardians who beat back Mexico’s cartels,” The Daily Beast, September 24, 2016.
- “Green police 2: Tribesmen defend selves against gangsters and government,” Lubbock (Texas) Avalanche-Journal, March 7, 2016.
- “Green police: Mexican tribesmen take up arms to protect their forests from crooked officials and cartels,” Lubbock (Texas) Avalanche-Journal, February 25, 2016.
- “Ukraine’s secret weapon,” Kyiv Post (Ukraine), April 7, 2015.
- “Partnership against heroin: Contractors help US combat narcotraffickers in Afghanistan,” Serviam, March 1, 2008.
- “Larry, Curly and Osama” (Killing the enemy with ridicule), Los Angeles Times, May 21, 2006.
- “Information a vital weapon,” USA Today, December 7, 2005.
- “Terrorists cheer Kerry’s rhetoric,” Insight, May 11-24, 2004. Download PDF: im-terrorists-cheer-rhetoric-may2004
- “Holdovers held up security strategy,” Insight, April 13-26, 2004. Download PDF: im-holdovers-clarke-apr2004
- “Kerry exploits vets for Hanoi,” Insight, March 16-29, 2004. Download PDF: im-kerry-hanoi-mar2004
- “Spain should consider martyr’s message,” Insight, March 15, 2004. Download PDF: im-spain-martyr-mar2004
- “Albright group backs Iraqi communists,” Insight, February 17-March 1, 2004. Download PDF: im-iraq-communists-feb2004
- “Wahhabi lobby spreads its wealth,” Insight, November 5- December 8, 2003. Download PDF: im-wahhabi-lobby-nov-2003
- “Victories in the war against terrorism,” Insight, November 11-24, 2003. Download PDF: im-victories-nov2003
- “Alamoudi and those bags of Libyan cash,” Insight, October 28-November 10, 2003. Download PDF: im-alamoudi-oct2003
- “Author of North Korea debacle rewarded,” Insight, September 2-15, 2003. Download PDF: im-riess-nk-sep-2003
- “Iran and Cuba zap US satellites,” Insight, August 19-September 1, 2003. Download PDF: im-telstar-aug2003
- “China waging political warfare against its neighbors,” Insight, May 26, 2003.
- “US Message is not getting out,” Insight, April 1-14, 2003. Download PDF: im-message-apr2003
- “Undermining the war on terror: Top American Muslim groups courted by the Bush administration have used their political cover to launch influence operations and extend support to terrorists,” Insight, March 18-31, 2003. Download PDF: im-underming-gwot-mar2003
- “Marching for Saddam,” Insight, March 4-17, 2003. Download PDF: im-marching-for-saddam-mar2003
- “How terrorists use ‘civil liberties’ arguments to undermine war effort,” Insight, March 4, 2003.
- “When politicians support terrorism,” Insight, February 4-17, 2003. Download PDF: im-pols-terr-feb2003
- “Beware risks to a democratic future,” Insight, January 21-Febraury 3, 2003. Download PDF: im-s-america-jan2003
- “Economic warfare can win terror war,” Insight, November 12-25, 2002. Download PDF: im-econ-warfare-nov2002
- “Bush Doctrine on free-world security,” Insight, October 15-28, 2002. Download PDF: im-bush-doctrine-oct2002
- “Is America at war?” Insight, September 2, 2002. Download PDF: im-america-at-war-sep2002
- “Wahhabi lobby takes the offensive,” Insight, August 5, 2002. Download PDF: IM Wahhabi Lobby 2002.08.05
- “The narcostate next door,” Insight, December 27, 1999.
- “How Al Gore set up Uncle Sam,” Insight, July 19, 1999. Download PDF: IM Gore US Yugoslavia 1999.07.19
- “Russia’s poisonous secret,” Reader’s Digest, October 1994.
- “Russia’s biggest ‘mafia’ is the KGB,” Wall Street Journal Europe, June 22, 1994. Download PDF: WSJ Russia Mafia KGB 1994.06.22
- “The high-stakes push to control Mexico,” Indianapolis Star, April 11, 1994. Download PDF: IS Control Mexico 1994.04.11
- “The ANC Support Network in the United States,” Southern African Freedom Review, Autumn 1989, pp. 59-83.