Ground down CIA still in the pit [pre-9/11 story]

by J. Michael Waller, Insight magazine, September 7, 2001. Why are Bill Clinton’s political appointees still running the CIA? The question is nagging preparedness-minded supporters of President George W. Bush who are worried that the holdover intelligence community, like the rank upon rank of social-policy holdovers at the Pentagon, at best may be naïve and at worst … Read more

China’s PLA revives the art of war

by J. Michael Waller, Insight magazine, 28 February 2000. Should U.S. financiers whose trading adversely affects Chinese “red-chip” companies be assassinated? China’s People’s Liberation Army, or PLA, is discussing the concept. Should Beijing covertly fund political-influence operations in the United States? A new PLA book openly asks the question. Facing a potentially huge nuclear-weapons buildup as well … Read more