Dr Waller was the initial concept developer, events recorder, researcher, and ghost writer for Erik Prince’s New York Times bestselling memoir, Civilian Warriors: The Inside Story of Blackwater and the Unsung Heroes of the War on Terror (Portfolio Penguin, 2013).
Prince wrote in the acknowledgements, “I also want to thank Dr. Mike Waller, who recorded and researched many of the events recounted in this book.”
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- “Private ships of war,” Serviam, January 2, 2009.
- “Clara Barton and the American Red Cross,” Serviam, January 2, 2009.
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- “The first thanksgiving – Brought to you by a private military contractor,” Serviam, November 15, 2008.
- “The contract flyers of World War I,” Serviam, March-April 2008.
- “Partnership against heroin: Contractors help US combat narcotraffickers in Afghanistan,” Serviam, March 1, 2008.
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- “Accountability and private contractors: Visibility is key to success,” Serviam, November-December 2007.
- “Private security contractors in America: 400 years and counting,” Serviam, September-October 2007.